Greatsoft and Nimbus software are both LIVE . A massive milestone.
The website now has an Accessibility option. It is a floating circular button on the top right-hand side of the webpage. It allows the text to be changed, links to be highlighted and contrasts amongst other things.
Out first multi-language option Te reo Māori added to the website.
We are open on Fridays for drop-ins, short meetings, and coffee meetings. No appointments are needed.
A valued team member has had a significant health event. While they recover the PHONE hours will be reduced for the month of April and May.
We go live on Monday 1st. After a month on a pilot program and many training sessions from MYOB Australia, the team begin using the new practice management tools.
Over the next three months, the practice is changing its software from server-based tools to cloud-based tools.
This is a large upgrade for us.
The new tools are Greatsoft and Nimbus, both supported by MYOB.
These tools will speed up our processes and create new and better communication methods with clients.
Greatsoft, a project planner, time and fee tracking program, is used by over 1000 accountants in 19 countries, and with the considerable support of MYOB, we are the third NZ practice to convert.
Nimbus is a document storage tool used throughout the world.
Together these tools are a significant investment. We were supported and encouraged by our MYOB team to make a giant step for a small practice.