Business Types
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Artists are a little bit like the Wild West. There’s a lot of potentials, but the steps to making profits can be convoluted and vague at best. Protecting your brand or even a single artwork involves intellectual property, and trademarks. An artist requires creativity and flexibility. Lawson represents boutique designers, teachers, galleries, musicians, models and freelancers. We build their knowledge and help grow their business. And you will be speaking to an artist as well, Mark founded the Timaru Photographic Society in 1987 and is a Life member and the Patron. Mark and Sarah worked as weekend news photographers for the Timaru Herald for a decade.
The business of contracting or tades is ever growing and evolving, and we’re not just talking about builders or agri-contractors. With the continuing introduction of varying revenue streams, the opportunity for profit grows, but so does the complexity. We take pride in clearly explaining and navigating the often foggy landscape of tax rules law and its relationship to contractors and trades of all types. We help our clients form companies, design plans to manage and minimise taxes.
The way people consume entertainment and food is constantly in flux, so the clients must adapt quickly. Lawson strives to anticipate these changes so you can focus more on creating a profitability of a lifetime. Among our clients are cafes, trophy outfitters, motels and tourist operators, and many other industry leaders. We help with the development, financing, and sales, employment, and tax planning. By tailoring each client’s needs to a budget and our own talented staff, we secure a profitable focused future. Some of us, including Marie and Mark have worked in hospitality and understand the pressures of providing services.
When you walk into our practice, you see our investment in hardware and software. We work with and for software writers, IT businesses and computer retailers.
Covid tested this group of professionals more than other. We look after medical practices and specialists. Lawson understands the needs of this type of client, with special tailored reporting, hands on tax planning, and when the time comes intensive succession planning.
Founded out of the Farm Accounting Association in 1962, Lawson has an unrivaled association with the regions farmers.
We work beside their land and livestock advisors to budget and manage profits, and when the time comes to sell or pass onto an another generation we work with the families and legal advisors.
Landlords provide an importance service to their community. Business landlords allow their tenants to focus on their services and products. Residential landlords allows their tenants to enjoy secure and age family environments.
But in return they want good financial yields, and to feel they are claiming all the expenses they are entitled to.